Sunday, November 7, 2010

forever and for always.

don't you hate how it takes losing something in your life to realize how important it was to you?
how you have to lose you best friend to realize that maybe they were your only real friend to begin with?
how when for once in your entire life you were truly happy and everything was more than okay, then in the blink of an eye its all gone and your left with nothing...

how when that things gone you don't know how to function, because you were only really yourself when that person was with you. they brought out the best in you.they were the only ones who understood you, and you shared a bond with then that nobody could ever understand, no matter how hard you tried to explain. they never lied to you. they were always there when you got bored, needed to rant or just go for a walk when the sun was shining. they were your shoulder to cry on. they walked with you in the halls when no one else would. they laughed at the jokes no one else got. they made everyday interesting, and got you up in the morning. they were the reason you went to school everyday. they made sure you were never alone. the one friend from high school you KNEW you'd stay friends with your whole life. you'd grow old together. every memory you had with the person was good- in fact they are the only person you remember having memories with. they made you who you are. and now that their gone, a  piece of your soul is missing too, and you know that it will never come back. although your alone now, and the days drag on and on, you know after each painful, tear filled day it just means your one day closer to being with them again. and you know that when that day comes, they'll be waiting for you in Heaven, and you'll start up right where you left off. 
goodbye my best friend, goodbye my soulmate, goodbye my brother, goodbye my other half. 
loved you then, love you for always. can't wait until the day we meet again. <3
live in eternities sunrise, and rest in paradise. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

all the glitz and the glam

today was not that wonderful 
so it was time to whip out the party dress
it makes me happy :) 
now for an occasion to wear


 i just hope one day you see me. and when you do, your heart stops.

I live for the moments I won’t remember,

With the people I'll never forget.

"the secret of freedom is courage"


i actually can't get enough of this dress.. my pride
i swear 90% of my closet is talula 

 MMMMM... snog. hit it up if your in londontown.. its in some cute little neighborhood.. being in there makes me feel like a gnome 
in a good way that is 
when i was visiting my cousin in michigan, her friend said that if i was going all the way to london i just had to go there... we hunted it down, and ohhh man, was it amazing 
its all low calorie frozen yogurt, and any toppings your little heart desires 
(definately pick the chunks of fudge... you will not regret it. i promise)
 now this is what i call a plethora of shoes. 
future closet?
 i still like to jump on beds.

all the glitz and the glam

today was not that wonderful 
so it was time to whip out the party dress
it makes me happy :) 
now for an occasion to wear